Cues n Views is about saving old cues for future generations to enjoy and a service that aims to inform those of you that are interested in old cues about their history, their design peculiarities and their current market value as a collector’s item or for insurance purposes.
It also includes views and opinions, see below.
David Smith
Cues n Views
Snooker Etiquette
More Views: I was recently made aware of a list of rules to be posted in our club concerning the behaviour of some of our perhaps over enthusiastic younger players. Most of these rules concerned noise and off the table…
Snooker Convention
More Views: Snooker ConventionSnooker; Face to Face with the Fans and it’s Heritage I find it interesting that Snooker fans often talk in the most glowing terms about certain players and seem to totally disregard the achievements and abilities of…
Top sixteen of all time?
More Views: Who are the top 16 Snooker players of all time is a question that gets asked in my local club from time to time usually followed by a lengthy debate, not about the top four or five particularly…
Snooker Night
I am looking forward to the start of the new Snooker season in my local league. I wonder whether those who have as yet not played in the professional ranks can be as optimistic as they yet again put their…
Trying Times
More Views: In reply to Mr Everton’s article last seasons in Snooker Scene. One event that occurred last Snooker season stuck with me in a way that revealed some disturbing issues relating to performance and the aftermath of matches. The…
Entertaining Snooker
More Views: A number of years ago while I was at Preston watching the UK Championship, Dennis Tayfor and Stephen Hendry took part in a few frames of Snooker as an exhibition to fill the programme due to the scheduled…
Casting the first stone
More Views: I was somewhat surprised to learn that Stephen Lee feels sufficiently aggrieved at Peter Ebdon to ask for a public apology some four months after an incident in the World Snooker Championships 2001 in Sheffield. An incident that…
The Best Player in the World
More Views: Many people have recently begun to say that Ronnie O’Sullivan is the best player ever to pick up a cue. This is particularly so since he won the World Snooker Championships in 2001 beating John Higgins 18 frames…
The Club Handicap
Last night was an interesting night for me as after our weekly league match, the team decided to hold an impromptu £5 a man handicap competition. Earlier in the evening, I had made the decision to drop myself in the…
Your Questions Answered
More Views: If you have a question about Billiards and Snooker, this site will attempt to answer it. We would prefer that you do not ask us to go into the technicalities of the rules or to begin to discuss…
The outsider looking in
More Views: I read articles which go into infinite detail about expense accounts and the political wranglings of the game of Snooker and those who seem bent on damaging the credibility of the game, that we as spectators see as a…
Snooker & Billiards timeline
This chronology does not claim to be complete but it does intend to give some idea of what occurred during the pre-snooker boom era, right up until the 1960s. The Ray Reardon, Alex Higgins and John Spencer era is well…
Billiards Championship records
I have created the below table of information to put into context some of the players that we talk about throughout the web-site. Throughout this era the Snooker championship was played for and won from 1927 onwards by Joe Davis.…
What’s Yours?
More Views: Even after nearly fifteen years of collecting cues, I still like to try new cues on the snooker table. In fact I first started collecting because I got it into my head that I wanted to use an…
Scoring Power
More Views: What concentration must it have taken for players like Newman, Davis and Lindrum to allow them to make Billiard break numbering in the thousands? Walter Lindrum even broke the four thousand barrier, which must have take many hours,…
More Views: I play Snooker in my local league and have done so for the past three years or so, prior to this time I had never made a break over thirty. I was born with cataracts and later developed Glaucoma,…
Interactive Museum
Interactive Museum One of the main aims in creating this site is to give some of snookers newer supporters the opportunity to get to grips with the history of the sport and also to get a quick insight into the…
Interactive Cues n Views
More Views: An interesting side of creating a Web Site such as Cues n Views is the number of people that get in touch and either ask questions or share information. We have received communications from Holland, the United States…
One Cue
More Views: Some people play snooker with one cue, all their lives. It is not necessary to change your cue once you find one that you are comfortable with. Peter Ebdon has been quoted as saying that he tried over…
The Elusive Fifty Break
More Views: I remember when even professional snooker players received a round of applause for making a fifty break in competition. Nowadays; a player needs to score a hundred to achieve such an ovation. I can remember achieving my first…