On Spring Bank Holiday Monday 2001 David and John Smith called at Borders book shop in Leeds where they decided to stop for a cup of tea and a snack, it just so happened that it was “Open Mike” poetry reding night. David decided to have a go at poetry himself.

  • Collecting Bug

    I caught the bug some years ago; it seemed nothing at the time.  But the thing got a hold of me, its ridiculous and at times sublime.

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  • A Pool Players Luck

    I am drawn against a new opponent today  A stranger to me I’ve never seen him play

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  • Remembering Tom

    I watched his skill at manoeuvring the balls. In the far-away days, of the Billiard Halls. 

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  • Yesterdays Players

    Yesterdays players are a memory that fades from view. Replaced by modern wielders of the skilful cue

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