Collecting Bug
I caught the bug some years ago; it seemed nothing at the time.
But the thing got a hold of me, its ridiculous and at times sublime.
The malady that I speak of is the desire to collect and hoard.
Things that relate to Snooker and Billiards, these items struck a chord.
I first bought an instructional book by a former top player.
It wasn’t long before I discovered this hobby had another layer.
I began to find other books from many years past.
Some from the previous century, at my luck I was aghast.
I then discovered a place in Leeds that sold ancient cues.
I bought so many you’d think someone had lit a fuse.
After many years of pruning and selecting I think I’m nearly there.
I’ve got cues by Burroughes and Riley and even one by Clare.
I’ve got a Newman card, A table iron and set of Ivory Balls.
But if the telephone should ting I’d answer its varied calls.
I’ve been up to Newcastle and down to Wales.
In pursuit of many memorabilia, sales.
I’ve dealt with Roger Lee and Craftsman cues.
I’ve missed some deals; it’s hard to lose.
But all in all I’ve enjoyed the chase.
Even if it’s been at a relentless pace.
I’ve made new friends like Alan, Mark and Dave.
We’ve all helped each other the risks to brave.
I’m still looking for the next unusual piece of history.
Where it’ll come from is, as we speaks’a complete mystery.
As with others the cue collecting came
From trying to get one to imrove my game.
My advice to anyone in the same position,
Get a good cue and stick with the decision.
Perhaps we’ll meet searching for something new to add.
Maybe we can help each other that would make me glad.
David Smith
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