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I am a member of the Top Spot Snooker Club in Aspley Huddersfield. To give you some idea of the type of Snooker Club that I am referring to its details are as follows, this club has 16 full sized Snooker/Billiard Tables and 6 7ft U.K. Pool Tables along with a three quarter sized Snooker/Billiard Table as well.
The club is a short walk from Huddersfield Town Centre and has a small car park outside.
The club is also a stones throw away from Huddersfield University so we often have a new intake of members around the time that term starts, special discounts are available for students.
The club provides excellent facilities for junior players and holds weekly handicap competitions to encourage them. Coaching support can be arranged on request.
The club has two teams in the Huddersfield and district Snooker League, one which has recently formed the other long established and in the premier section of the league.
The club accepts day members at a charge of one pound to enter and £3.80 per hour metered table lighting with reduced rates in the morning and afternoon
The club has a well stocked Bar and snacks are available throughout the day.
I have visited other clubs in the area to compare the facilities on offer and can honestly say that in terms of value for money and quality of playing conditions Top Spot is hard to beat.
When I first visited Top Spot I didn’t know anyone either running the club or other members, over the past five years I have made numerous friends at the club and have become the captain of the more established of the two Snooker teams that hail from the club.
My remaining ambition is to take this team to the very top of the premiership and lift the trophy for doing so, along with the rest of the team. We were very close to achieving this goal last season as the championship came down to the very last week of play, in the end we finished third, it was as they say tight at the top.
The team has won the local three man team event and a kind of knock out tournament that is held on an annual basis, the only trophy as yet not held is the premier-ship trophy itself.
One of my other great memories was the first time one of our team made a century in the league; the break was 108 it was made by Matthew Tinker. The break was a very fluent professional affair.
I also derive much pleasure from watching my other team-mates achieve goals which are significant to them, for example my friend Marcel is I feel taking great pride in reducing his handicap season by season, which he has steadily done since we reformed the team a number of years ago.
When all the teams are in the club the atmosphere in the club is very humorous, banter flies thick and fast. Woe betide any of the teams that returns having lost their particular match as a choice comment is sure to be heard from one of the others.
If you should find yourself in the area, pop in and check the club out for yourself.
David Smith
Cues n Views
The Top Spot Snooker Club is now closed; sadly missed, fondly remembered.