The Cues n Views Links Page
The Cues n Views Links PageCues n Views Recommended Links to other cue sports web-sites. If you have a cue sports Web Site, and wish to have a link on the Cues n Views Links Page please e-mail David Smith for details.

The Snooker Heritage Collection at Thurston, St Anne Street, Liverpool is probably the largest collection of billiards and snooker memorabilia in the world.

This site has been put together by Roger Lee & designed by Stuart Bennett.
Roger has been a collector of Billiards and Snooker memorabilia for more than 30 years, and for the last 7 years, has organised the Heritage Room, at The Crucible Theatre, Sheffield, for the duration of the Embassy World Professional Snooker Championship, on behalf of the World Snooker Association.

Robin Cues have been making and repairing Snooker and Billiards cues for over 20 years. Cues are hand made to individual customers requirements from carefully selected materials.

Peradon – makers of fine Billiard cues since 1885.

Cue Wizard is brought to you by Peradon, who have been manufacturing English Snooker and Billiards cues since 1885. “design and order your own cue”.

Dave Brown’s company is called Craftsman Cues and is situated at Kippax between Leeds and Castleford.Dave makes cues and cases. His range of cues is one of the most extensive in the country.Craftsman Cues often has a selection of old cues and a full size table to try them out on. I have bought cues from them and have always been highly satisfied with the product and its reasonable prices.I recommend that anyone who is considering taking the game up seriously should pay Craftsman Cues a visit and get hold of a cue of their own. Please feel free to mention that you heard about them from David Smith’s Cues n Views Web Site.

Cues n Views – Top Spot Snooker Club Flyer

Read the Cues n Views Top Spot Snooker Club Advertorial Feature.
Now closed but remembered fondly.

If you are seeking a new cue, and want something a little different from the cues that we often see in the snooker clubs on a day to day basis, perhaps you might like to make contact with the company Master Cue in Thailand.
Read the Cues n Views Master Cue Advertorial Feature.

Pool tables – Main UK BCE suppliers – Worldwide Suppliers of Pool, Snooker, Football Tables and other games room equipment – based in Bristol UK.
TIM FRANKLIN POOL & SNOOKER TABLE SERVICES BCE – Games Room Suppliers for Pubs – Clubs – Hotels – Private Homes etc |

Alice Walker is webmistress of a valuable antiques information resource Web Site.
Antiques People – A Valuable Antiques Directory and Information Resource.

I cannot guarantee the quality of the Web Sites registered with the UK Snooker Billiards & Pool Web Sites Web Ring, The Snooker SiteRing and The Snooker Ring, but you may find them of interest.
The UK Snooker Billiards & Pool Web Sites Web Ring is going quite strong, they have recently re-designed their navigation bar.
The Snooker SiteRing is a new Web Ring, therefore not many Web Sites are registered.
The Snooker Ring is sort of dead, well, perhaps not the ring, but Ring Master Michael Bingmert’s involment, he does have plans to do something about it in the future, but hardly soon. The Snooker Ring is therefore not accepting any new registrations.
The Greatest Pocket Billiards sites on the Web Ring of sites is for the Billiards and Snooker enthusiast. Member sites offer information on cues, tables, instruction, books, posters. They are informative and entertaining. This Web Ring has a strong American Pool emphasis.
f you are looking for some particular information,
then use the Search facility below to search the Cues n Views Web Site.
© Copyright 2004 2023 David Smith
This Web Site was Designed and is Maintained by
John A Smith